The cornea at the front of the eye is swollen, blurring vision
Cells on the back of the cornea are replaced with healthy donor corneal cells
The surgery is performed through keyhole incision under local anesthetic
A bubble of air holds the cells in place
Surgery takes about 60 minutes and only a few small stitches are required
You will be discharged a few hours after surgery
What to expect
You will be required to lie flat for around 24 hours after surgery
You can remove the eye pad the morning after surgery
The vision is usually blurry the next day but improves slowly over 5-7 days
An additional air bubble may be required after surgery to support the cells
You must use drops as prescribed after surgery
It is reasonable to expect 2 weeks away from work after transplant surgery
Refrain from swimming for a period of 1 month
You may be able to obtain glasses as early as 1 month after surgery
Endothelial Transplantation is the most successful transplant and restores vision
The structure and shape of the cornea is unchanged
The eye will be much stronger than in standard full thickness transplantation
Visual recovery is usually much faster than any other transplant surgery
Cataract is usually treated before DMEK
Pre-existing damage to the back of the eye (retina or nerve), MAY REDUCE the best vision obtainable after DMEK
Rejection with DMEK is less than 1%
It is expected that DMEK will last longer as long as a standard full transplant but with faster recovery, better quality vision, and less chance of rejection